Promoting better regulation for decentralised technology.

The 2022 edition
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Why reg3?

Rome wasn’t
built in a day. 

Nor its crypts! So why is decentralised tech expected to have reached maturity in a decade? Or Web3 in a couple of years?

The crypto industry is facing pressing regulatory issues. As its influence grows, it is becoming the target of blanket bans and smear campaigns. But how can regulators better understand this burgeoning, yet still nascent world?

Take me down to the cryptic city
Where the grass is green and the Reg3 is pretty

A two-day summit in one of Europe’s top crypto hubs.


Lisbon, Portugal
Museu do Oriente
~10m from Breakpoint


Thursday and Friday
Nov. 3rd - Workshops
Nov. 4th - Conference

I wanna go
Live streaming

Didn’t get the chance to come to Lisbon?

Worry not, you can watch the live stream of the event here or the final videos on our YouTube channel.


Discover our speakers and panelists

Michael Gronager


at Chainalysis

David Nogueira

Founding Managing Partner

at Lightshift Capital

Julien Bouteloup

Founder & CEO at Stake Capital Group

Stake DAO, BlackPool,

Marta Velez

Head of Ecosystem

at Common Ground

Aleksandra Smilek

Co-Founder at

DeSci Track Lead at Foresight Institute

Anja Blaj

Legal at DoinGud & President

at Blockchain Think Tank Slovenia

All speakers
DAy 1 - WOrkshops || Day 2 - Conference

Explore the agenda

Evening cocktail

Day 2

Evening cocktail

11/4/22 6:00 pm
Day 1
1:00 pm
Workshops - Lunch and networking
Day 1
6:00 pm
Workshops - Closing remarks
Day 2
6:00 pm
Evening cocktail
Day 2
5:20 pm
10) On this global future - The future of the crypto economy, a global perspective
Day 2
4:45 pm
9) On Portugal - The future of the crypto economy in Portugal
Day 2
4:10 pm
8) On DAOs - Bridging the gap between DAOs and the real world
Day 2
3:35 pm
7) On NFTs, ReFi and Desci - How NFTs, ReFi and DeSci can be a force for good
Day 2
3:00 pm
6) On AML/CFT - AML/CFT policies in the age of the TFR
Day 2
2:00 pm
Workshop by Chainalysis - From data to insights, from risk to compliance
Day 2
1:00 pm
Conference - VIP Lunch with Michael Gronager - CEO, Chainalysis
Day 2
12:40 pm
Keynote talk - Building Trust in Cryptocurrency - By Chainalysis
Day 2
12:05 pm
5) On Stablecoins & DeFi - The untapped impact of DeFi and stablecoins
Day 2
11:30 am
4) On Privacy vs. Sanctions - Aligning the right for privacy with global sanctions
Day 2
10:55 am
3) On Decentralised Tech - The impact of global regulations on open projects
Day 2
10:20 am
2) On MiCA - MiCA and its implementation challenges
Day 2
9:45 am
1) On taxation - The crypto taxation conundrum
Day 2
9:30 am
Conference - Opening remarks
Day 2
8:30 am
Conference registration and reception
Day 1
4:30 pm
Crypto taxation in Portugal and the EU, by FACE
Day 1
3:00 pm
From HFT to MEV and now MAV, by Mekatec
Day 2
1:00 pm
Conference - Lunch and networking
Day 1
11:30 am
Crypto narratives for the regulatory and policy world, by EU Crypto Initiative
Day 1
9:30 am
Workshops registration and reception
Day 1
10:00 am
Regulation & legal frameworks for DAOs, by the Lisbon DAO Observatory
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Partners and sponsors

Our organisers

Media partners:

your friendly #notaduck in the spotlight

Check out the media’s take


“No rescaldo da conclusão do MiCA e da TFR, regulamentos anunciados com pompa e circunstância, sentimos que era importante desenvolver um fórum alargado que agregue vários cantos da cripto economia e da economia tradicional, que não costumam estar em contacto".

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Forbes Portugal

A decorrer entre 3 e 4 de novembro de 2022 no Museu do Oriente, em Lisboa, a Reg3 visa promover uma melhor regulação da cripto economia e tecnologias descentralizadas, através da aproximação do setor aos principais reguladores e órgãos políticos.

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The European Crypto Initiative (EUCI) and the New Economy Institute have announced Reg3 Conference, a two-day summit that brings together the crypto economy community in Lisbon, from entrepreneurs and lawyers to programmers and artists, to the main European regulators.

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Alas, even top regulators argue all of the crypto fails the “duck test”, as its projects, (decentralised)organisations, and builders “walk, swim, and quack like ducks”. But what if the “ugly duckling” story was a better analogy to understand this burgeoning, yet nascent world?